Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My Head is POUNDING.......

Why is it that I can go so long without the slightest headache...and, then BOOM...I get one that pounds all day long??? It started this morning after I went to the doctor. I think that was probably the cause of it! Hadn't had a complete checkup in almost 3 years. It was time. I have blood work tomorrow, a mammogram next week, and a sleep study in late January. I KNOW...I said I would NEVER have another sleep study again! For those of you that don't know, I had one done probably 2-3 years ago, I slept a total of about 1-2 hours, when I got up in the morning I fainted and the sleep study tech had to call the house supervisor before they would release me. It was a mess. Not something I EVER wanted to do again. Well, I'm going to try it again, this time WITH sleep medication. Hopefully that will be the key. I drastically need to change my lifestyle as far as eating and exercising...I've gained about 15 pounds since last's just aweful. I've been depressed about it all day. I really wanted to go to Bible Study tonight, but I had promised Matthew I would take him to the last basketball game at St. Paul since his cousins from Trinity in Cape were playing. The sound of cheering, buzzers buzzing, etc. did nothing for my headache. Rob wanted to stay home and finish up our stairs and start painting, so I took Matthew. I'm headed to bed now...please pray for relief from my headache!


Amy said...

Yuck! I hope you feel better for Bunco!