Thursday, July 31, 2008

Destin, FL Vacation Recap!

Just a warning...this is gonna be long...I'm journalling so that when I scrapbook our photos I'll remember everything!!

As most of you know, we were in Destin, FL from Friday the 19th-Friday the 26th. We had planned to leave out Saturday morning, but Rob was desperately needed at work so instead of driving during the night Friday night, we left Friday morning instead.

On the 19th we left at 10:00 pm and drove all night. We had never done this with the boys but wanted to try. This time it worked out perfectly...they watched a Star Wars movie for 2 hours, then slept until Mobile, AL, where we stopped for breakfast and also to tour the U.S.S. Alabama and submarine. That was amazing!

We headed in to was absolutely beautiful! My brother, Sam, and his wife, Lauren, and their 10-month old sweetie, Maria, joined us on Saturday and stayed thru Tuesday morning. We had such a nice time just hanging out at the beach and pool with them. That was the only time we actually went IN the ocean. The seaweed & jellyfish were just to much to bear! I'm not kidding...the jellyfish were EVERYWHERE. While Sam & Lauren were with us we went to dinner at Pompano Joes and we also went to Destin Commons...a really cool outdoor shopping area (I returned there later in the week to pick up some chocolate-covered marshmellows for Matthew's 8th birthday!).

On Monday we enjoyed more beach & pool time. Sam & Lauren were gratious enough to offer Rob & me a night out by ourselves. We chose to just go to dinner because we wanted to get back in time to take the boys crab hunting! We went to Old Bay Steamers...we ordered a huge plate of steamed shrimp, crabs, etc. etc. Rob was just chomping away...he LOVED, on the other hand, ate shrimp...but then the "fishy" smell kind of got to me. The rest of dinner I ate potatoes & corn! Thanks, Lauren & Sam...for watching the boys that night!

When we got back from dinner, we headed to the beach for crab hunting. We absolutely had a blast...we continued to do that nightly from then on! That was what we probably enjoyed most about our trip...the nightly crab hunts & just walking on the beach at night...oh, and seashell hunting!

On Tuesday, Sam & Lauren & Maria left out early...they had about a 6-hour drive back to Atlanta...I think by that point Maria was ready for her own bed! After they left, we had breakfast and drove to the Okaloosa Pier...we didn't fish just was extremely hot and the guy working at the Pier said that they weren't catching much. We hung out there a bit...saw dolphins!...and then headed to the Bass Pro Shop. When we got home me and the boys hung out at the pool while Rob grilled some burgers. Later that afternoon, Rob & Jacob went back to the Pier for some fishing...check out the photo of Jacob below with the fish that "HE" caught...the Pier is quite a ways up from the water...he definitely had a LOTS of Daddy's help! While they were fishing, Matthew & I went to one of the Outlet Malls. After shopping for a bit, we went and picked Rob & Jacob up and headed to Fudpucker's for a late night supper in Okaloosa.

Wednesday morning we headed to the Village of Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin and ate at "Another Broken Egg Cafe". More relaxing in the afternoon by the pool, eating at Fudpucker's in Destin for supper, and crab hunting/hanging out at the beach in the evening. While at Fudpucker's, we tried feeding the baby alligators but they weren't much hungry. The boys did get to hold a baby alligator...they thought that was really, really cool.

On Thursday, we celebrated Matthew's 8th Birthday! We took the boys on a Pirate Cruise which they really enjoyed! After that, we ate a late lunch at AJ's. We then headed back to the condo and swam for quite a while. The most amazing thing happened that night when we went to the beach. There was a huge sea turtle that had crawled up to the beach and was laying eggs! Someone there had said that in the 30 years that they had been coming to the beach, they had never seen that happen!

We left then around 10:00 am on Friday and had a leasurely drive home...Rob drove the entire way while I read a complete Nicholas Sparks book...the boys watched video after video...they were tired and content doing just that! We safely made it home around 10:00 that night.

We had an AMAZING time, and are so thankful that Sam, Lauren & Maria were able to come spend part of our vacation with us! If you ever need a beautiful place to stay while in Destin, let me know. We can lead you in the right direction to a locally-owned won't be disappointed!

Destin Photos!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Belated 8th Birthday, Matthew!

We celebrated Matthew's 8th birthday while we were in Destin on July 24th...check out the above photo's. We love you, Matthew.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankfulness and a Slide Show!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank a few of my best friends...Julie put together the awesome-est binders filled with all sorts of mazes/games/coloring pages/etc. for the boys to take on our trip...Linda for letting us borrow the "thing" for the top of the van...Shelly/Jayne for all of the beach stuff...Misty for the DVD Mom for the yummy coffee cake & zucchini bread & tomatoes to take on our trip...hope I haven't forgotten guys are the BEST!

Check out the slide show below of some of the fun Matthew has had this week at Boy Scout Camp!

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just a Quick Post...

to share that Matthew had an AWESOME day at camp! I prayed for him this morning that he would make some new friends and keep the old ones that he already knew...well, you know what??? worked! He was so excited when I picked him up today that he couldn't stop talking. The highlight of his day was the paintball slingshots!

Jacob got to go to Grandpa & Grandma Mueller's today...I had kept it a secret so he was really excited when I told him this morning. He took his new scooter along and rode on that most of the day.

Tomorrow Jacob & I will be at camp with Matthew...pray for a cool day!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Update and This Week!

It just seems like the time just flies by...last time I posted was, I think, last Wednesday, and I had intended on posting more often!

Last Thursday evening the boys had their VBS family night uptown at 1st Baptist Church. Unfortunately, Rob was working so I went with the boys by myself. We had fun anyway...hotdogs & root beer floats for supper...(RIGHT up Jacob's alley!!) then a time of singing and sharing in church. Friday was the last day...Matthew & Jacob really enjoyed themselves this year.

Both Thursday & Friday afternoons we went over to the McCoy's to swim. It's nice because all the boys will swim for a while...then they'll just play outside...Shelly & I (and whoever else shows up!!) can then just enjoy the peace and relax!

Saturday we went over to our nephew, Aaron's, 14th birthday party. We had some yummy bass that my brother, Mark, had caught...and LOTs of other yummy food.

Sunday we headed to church and then after that Rob & the boys headed home while I did some last minute shopping for our trip...mainly food. I also bought some kites for the boys to use on the beach...thought that might be fun.

This week Matthew started Boy Scout's from 9-3 each day. Today I was fortunate enough to be able to help so Jacob was able to go as well to Pee Wee camp. Matthew had a GREAT time...they made these cool water bottle holders, shot BB guns (Matthew didn't get to today but he will tomorrow), bows & arrows, did some Tae Kwon Do (sp???), played Tug of War, had a talk on nutrition, and stopped at the Nature booth for some worm and roly poly education! Matthew wasn't in Boy Scouts last year but really wanted to go to camp. So, we signed him up for that and then went ahead and signed him up for next year. We were really unsure as to whether to let him join or not...a lot of the outdoor activities Rob has already, and is doing, with Matthew & Jacob both...especially the bb guns & bows and arrows...they each already own their own bb guns (that's what it's like when you have a husband that grew up with hunting, fishing, outdoor stuff, etc.!!!). Matthew got pretty hot this afternoon and at one point he said he really didn't feel too well. So, we'll see how tomorrow goes. Jacob had a GREAT time at Pee Wee camp...they played in water, sand, had tug of war, played on the slides/swings at the park, etc. Jacob was so cute today...I had bought them each a new water bottle at Dents Make Sense (if you've never been to this store here in Jackson you should definitely go!) for $1.50 (the same water bottle at Target was $4.50) had a strap on it...Jacob would NOT take the water bottle off his shoulder...he kept it on ALL day...he was so proud of it!

Thanks for checking in! We're headed to bed!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Just "Stuff"

I'm not really in the "thinking" mood tonight so my title is a bit boring! Sorry...

Matthew and Jacob are having a great time at VBS this week. They are going uptown to 1st Baptist since we will be gone the week of ours at our church. The theme is Outrigger Island and it's a tropical theme...just perfect for right before our trip to Destin! They are learning about God's unshakeable TRUTH. Rob & I both have good memories of Bible School so we make a point of having the boys attend at least one in the summer...usually the one at our church. This year we're going to the one at Fruitland Community Church too...but it's not until August.

I picked up our Destin vacation package today! Lots of GREAT info...I'm trying to soak it all in! Rob just mentioned the other day that he doesn't want our days all filled with stuff to do...he just wants to relax and if we feel like doing something, we will. He has really been worn out lately...he's been working about 50 hours a week...that includes leaving at 1:30 in the morning some days...this vacation will be good for him...not to mention for me too!

This afternoon we spent most of the time in Matthew's room...he and Jacob were building this "contraption" that was like a pulley system. They have a string attached in the closet that goes to the opposite end of the room on the ceiling. There is a cup attached to it and it works like a pulley...pretty cool. They have quite the imagination and it kept them busy for hours!

As I was vacuuming this evening, I peeked out the front yard to find a snail castle! The boys had found this tiny snail that was alive. They built this "castle" out of sticks and the snail was just kind of hanging out there. After this day today I wonder why in the world we even NEED toys!!!

Have a great night and thanks for checking in!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Just Checking In...

for the evening...since I said that I would post more often this week!

We've had fun this week with swim lessons and swimming...a baseball game last night...and The Bee Movie at the library this morning! Tonight I was able to enjoy some adult conversation with friends at Bella Italia...some of the moms from kids in Matthew's class. We usually get together once a month for dinner out and I look forward to it each month!

I don't believe that I've mentioned this before but Rob & I are really considering homeschooling next may be a shock to hear for some of you! To avoid the debate of homeschooling vs non-homeschooling, I won't go in to our thinking and reasoning for our considering this. I've really been worried about our decision, and just wanting to make the RIGHT decision for US as a family. I filled out one of those questionnaires yesterday by email from a friend that asks you random of the questions to answer was "what are you worried about right now"...or something like that. Well, I responded with our homeschooling consideration. It is amazing how God works...just today in my devotion the topic was "worrying" and that God tells us to "not worry about anything"...that he will provide. My reason for mentioning this at all is that I would like to ask you, my friends & family, to pray for us as we try to make this decision.

Thanks for praying...and have a happy and safe 4th of July!