Sunday, March 30, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

As the old saying goes....Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

It's been almost an entire week since my last post so I have some catching up to do! Monday started out with a monthly crop night and Julie was the host this month...had a fun usual!

Matthew had his first soccer game. FINALLY! He's never even had a practice since it's been so wet. He had a game Thursday night and one on Saturday. It was still quite wet & muddy out at the soccer park. He's supposed to have another make-up game Monday night & Wednesday night, but with the forecast calling for more rain that might just NOT happen! We'll see.

Friday night Rob started on our flooring in the living room & hallway. After pricing hardwood & hardwood laminate, we decided to go with hardwood laminate in this house. It really looks great...there's a few pictures to see it. We have really been coming along quite well on our house...someday it might be ready to sell so that we can possibly build...another "we'll see"! Rob also moved our cable outlet to another wall so we're going to move our t.v. and some other stuff around, painting probably this week, painting baseboards, etc. I'll include pictures as I get them...I have to sneak them in since Rob is not too crazy about me shooting pictures of him! I am so thankful to have a handy husband that can really do just about anything!

I took the boys to Walmart Saturday afternoon to buy a birthday gift for that evening. They both had a little bit of Easter money so they took that along in the hopes of finding something too buy. Matthew already knew what he wanted...a football. Turned out that he DID have enought money so he was pretty excited! Jacob had no clue what he wanted so we just looked for a while in the toy isles. FINALLY, he found a little dirt bike with a guy attached and he was so happy to buy that. They even got change back which was such a thrill for them! Pics are included!

Saturday evening we went to the Weber's for a birthday dinner for Jacob's friend, Dylan. We had such a great time. They just moved in to a new home off of Hwy 25 here in Jackson and it is just beautiful.

Most of the day today Rob spent working on the flooring. The boys and I watched ELF...just hilarious. Then they headed to AWANA at church and I went to Pizza Pro to work. When they got home, Jacob was SO EXCITED...he had gotten to take "Cubbie Bear" home for the week. Cubbie Bear is "earned" by good listening, participation, saying Bible verses, etc. Jacob took him to bed!

Need to go...Have a GREAT Monday!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Final Easter Posting!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy, Busy Week!

Just added a few more photos down below...this has been a busy, fun week!

On Tuesday, we got a huge amount of rain...approx. 12 inches here at our house. YES, you read that right...12 INCHES. Just last week Matthew & Jacob were playing on the creek bank in our back yard...this week it looked like a rolling river! This weather has been crazy, to say the least!

Wednesday was a very special mail day. Jacob & Matthew got letters from the Easter Bunny and boy were they excited. There are some pictures below.

Thursday Jacob had his Easter party at pre-school in the morning and Matthew had his party in the afternoon. Jacob had an Easter egg hunt, yummy jello jigglers for snack and then they painted these beautiful paper eggs with a cross in the center. The party ended with some fun action songs. At Matthew's party we had different stations for the kids to go to and we divided the kids up in to groups of 4. There was a game area, tattoo/card making area, puzzle area, craft area & a cookie decorating area. The kids had a great time.

Crazy Croppers was last night...just a group of my best friends that get together once a month to work on our scrapbooks. We always have a great time...last night was no exception...actually, we had a blast! Got a few layouts done too!

Rob left early this morning to work on his trailer that he's building. Around 11:00 I took the boys out to spend part of the day with him and part of the day with their grandpa & grandma. They got home around 8:45. I got SO MUCH done today. I'm ready to teach the 3's tomorrow, cleaned Matthew's room, put away some snowman decorations (yes, I STILL have snowment stuff up!), did load after load of laundry, hung some 12x12 corkboard in Matthew's room, etc. etc. etc. Why is it that I can actually accomplish something when I'm home alone?!?!?!

Tomorrow we celebrate Easter...the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Remember the reason for this glorious season!

Happy Easter!

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter...A Little Early!

After Zachary's confirmation celebration on Sunday, we headed out to my sister's new house that they're building. It will be beautiful once it's finished...I'm excited for them! Then, since my other sister was down with her family from Columbia, and my brother & his wife from St. Louis, we celebrated Easter at my parent's home. Below is a sampling of some of the pics that were taken.

P.S. I'm a little bit behind on my postings...bear with me...I'll eventually get caught up!

P.S.S. Happy Birthday, Magdalene...Hope you had a great day!

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zachary's Confirmation

Our nephew, Zachary, was confirmed this past weekend at St. Andrew Lutheran Church. We celebrated this big event for him by going to church and then his parents (my sister, Magdalene and her husband, Mark) had invited everyone to China Palace for lunch. We had a really nice time. Congratulations, Zachary!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Anniversary, a Sick Boy and Other Stuff!

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. 14 years ago today, on a Saturday, Rob & I were married at Trinity Lutheran Church in Friedheim, MO. My Dad was the one to marry us and we were surrounded by all of our family and friends. It even snowed on our wedding day! Over the last 14 years, we have experienced our ups and downs, but I must say that God has blessed us in so many ways, even during the "down" times. Rob is a wonderful husband...he loves me and our boys unconditionally...we couldn't ask for anything more.

We weren't really able to celebrate today so hopefully we'll be able to have a date night this weekend. Jacob has been running a fever all day...he has just wanted to lay on the couch with me holding him. So, that's what we did most of the day! We watched some Scooby Doo, Backyardigans, and a couple other shows. This afternoon he played a little bit on, but other than that he camped out on the couch. Other than a little stuffy nose, he really doesn't have any other symptoms. He'll be staying home from pre-school tomorrow because of the 24-hour rule. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.

I've finally gotten my layout swap done for Crazy Croppers. It's not that detailed, but I think it turned out very "springy"...that's what I was going for! Above is a photo of it. Hope the gals in my group like it!

Monday, March 10, 2008

We Got a Wii...and We LOVE it!

Finally...after looking for almost 3 months...we got a Wii! I have been looking for one since a little bit before Christmas and have never been able to find one. On Saturday, when we were in Cape, Rob had me run in to Toys R Us to check. They would be getting 12 in on Sunday morning at 10:00. 12 is not that many. So, decided to call Best Buy and they were getting in 50, to be distributed at 10:00 Sunday morning. So, the boys & I headed to Sunday School while Rob headed to Best Buy. He got one, no problem. He was even back in plenty of time for church! It came with Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing, Golf (and maybe one other sport, I don't remember) and then we bought one game, a Monster Truck game. The boys had so much fun, especially boxing! It is a hoot to watch them. After they went to bed, Rob & I bowled, and then he kicked my butt in Tennis! I'm gonna have to work on that!

Rob is headed to St. Louis today with a crane and boom truck. He'll be setting up a crane practically all day. Jacob & I are home today doing laundry, cleaning & probably taking a trip to Sam's.

Have a Great Day!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rob!

We celebrated Rob's birthday today by going out to eat at Texas Roadhouse and then bowling. We had fun!

Don't forget to SPRING FORWARD tonight by setting your clocks forward!

I've Been Amy!

I've been tagged by Amy F. to share 7 random thoughts about myself, some weird & some goes:

1) I LOVE playing the old arcade game, Pac-Man! I will use it as a reward sometimes here at home...if I get certain things done around the house, I get to play Pac-Man!

2) I LOVE watching the Atlanta Braves and they're actually my favorite baseball team. However, I'm beginning to like the St. Louis Cardinals...simply because Matthew has really started liking the game and the Cardinals!

3) I've been drinking milk in bed before bedtime ever since I was a little girl. It drives Rob nuts!

4) When I was little I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up. Why?? Who knows!

5) I love doing puzzles.

6) Gameshows are one of my favorite types of television to watch...Lingo, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Super-password, Camoflage, etc.

7) I secretly would like to have a career in Animal Rescue...I'm very touched, deeply saddened & compassionate about animal cruelty.

I can't realy tag anyone else because I don't know how to link someone...and, most of the blogs I read have already been tagged!

Have a Great Day...we're headed to the bowling's Rob's birthday!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Day 5 - Lutheran Schools Week!

Jacob got to be in on the action today at Pre-School! He was able to wear his jammies today which he thought was super-cool because he got to wear his "comfy clothes"! He and Matthew chose the exact same pair of new jammies! Then, they got to watch a movie today and munch on popcorn. That was right up his alley! He also got to bring a favorite stuffed animal. He chose his little bear cub.

Matthew got to go with his class on the school bus today to the bowling alley! He had so much fun. They also got to wear their favorite hat today if they brought in a $1 to be donated to a Haiti mission organization. Matthew chose to wear his camoflage Komatsu hat that Rob gave him.

Looks like we might be headed for another snow day tomorrow. Hopefully it's just snow and not ice. Have a great night and thanks for checking in!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lutheran Schools Week-Day 4...and the PARK!

Today was Grandparent's Day at St. Paul! Matthew was so blessed to have three of his grandparents come to visit him at school. The day started with an extraordinary breakfast for all the grandparents with yummy fruits, bagels, donuts, coffe cakes, O.J., coffee, etc. etc. etc.!!! Then, they could visit the classrooms from 9-11. Grandpa Moore and Grandma & Grandpa Mueller had such a good time...we've heard from all of them since this morning and they were just really thrilled to have been able to go. Matthew & Grandma Mueller wrote a story together about what Matthew does when he goes to her house...Matthew wrote a sentence or two and then Grandma wrote a sentence or two. It was a very special time for them!

This afternoon each student got a "ticket" to go see a movie. Matthew couldn't remember the name of his movie but it was about a dog. He got to bring a snack & drink from home. And, best of all...a NO HOMEWORK day!

After school, the boys watched Arthur and then I had a proposition for them...if they were really good at Hobby Lobby (I needed to go there!) we'd stop at Cape County Park on the way worked! They were great and I got what I, we braved the cold (it wasn't actually too bad - about 52 degrees but sunshiny!) and played at the park. We had fun! The pictures prove it!

Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Another Ice Day...Ughhhhhhh!

I guess it's not so bad...but, I'm ready for SPRING! It is March should be spring-like weather!! Almost 14 years ago when we got married on March 12th, it snowed! So...seems like anything is possible...even if it is supposed to be SPRING!

Rob is home today also. He's recovering from what appears to be food poisoning. He was really, really sick yesterday. He and the boys are watching a movie right now. Looks like we'll be doing a bunch of that today. I think I'm going to try and get a few scrapbook pages done, hopefully!

Oh, if you get hungry today...please stop by. We have TONS of bagels here from Panera Bread! I purchased a whole box full yesterday, along with some scrumptious cream cheeses, to take to the teacher's lounge at school today. We'll be eating them for at least a they freeze well???

Jacob was so disapointed this morning when he found out we didn't have school. :( It was Grandparent's Day for him at pre-school and he was going to get to show his grandparents some of the things he did at pre-school. Hopefully it will get re-scheduled.

Matthew was a little disappointed as well. Today, for Lutheran Schools week, they were having a Read-n-Feed: the kids could bring a snack & drink from home, a blanket, pillow & something to read. They were also going to have a book swap. Matthew had picked out 3 of his books to take to school. In return, he would get 3 tickets to use to "purchase" 3 other books from someone else. And, on top of all that, it was Dairy Queen night...teachers serving the kids! Hopefully all will be rescheduled.

I'm off to finish my coffee, do laundry, and hopefully scrapbook a little! Have a great day!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Lutheran Schools Week - Day 2!

Today was another fun day for Matthew at school! He got to wear his new pajamas...they had sharks all over the pants legs and on the shirt. He also got to take his favorite stuffed animal, which, of course, was Juno...a little gray dog that he got years ago after a trip to the doctor. For the longest time he would keep him in his backpack and take him to school but now he just sleeps with him. He's pretty raggady-looking but Matthew doesn't care! This morning the school held a Teacher Appreciation Tea where the teachers' were honored for their outstanding dedication, care & love for our children. are amazing! Then, for lunch, all of the first graders could have their parents come in for lunch and bring an outside lunch for them. Matthew's choice was chicken nuggets/applesauce/juice from Burger King...Jacob & I both came and ate lunch . Rob was at home...sick...he has literally slept all day. That's it for Day 2...another fun day planned for tomorrow!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Recap of the Week!

It's peaceful and quiet here at home...nice...very nice. This past week Matthew & Jacob both had their Valentine parties at school, finally. There are a few photos below from that. Thursday night I went with friends to play Bingo at BingoWorld. It was fun even though nobody won! There are also a few photos of that below! Saturday morning Rob & Matthew left to go with Darin, the other operator for Penzel Const., to his cabin on Lake Wappapello for an overnight fishing trip. They had so much fun. Jacob had a very hard time because he is just a bit too little yet to go. He and I headed up to south St. Louis for a fun day of shopping...he's a little trooper when it comes to long as he gets something! He ended up with a little Army dress-up set...he LOVES it! When Rob & Matthew got home today around noon, we ate, and then all headed to Saxony Lutheran High School for the kickoff of Lutheran Schools week. There are two photos of that where Jacob is standing beside the pre-school banner that they made with their handprints. The other is of Matthew standing beside his artwork that he had displayed. Tons of things going on this week at school. Tommorrow Matthew gets to bring his favorite stuffed animal and wear his pajamas...he's really excited because we bought him a new pair of pajamas and he just thinks it's really cool. We also get to bring in lunch and eat with him tomorrow. I'll post photos tomorrow night. And, I'll try and recap the day's events each evening...Jacob's Tuesday/Thursday morning class is even in on the fun!

Check out my Slide Show!