Monday, March 03, 2008

Lutheran Schools Week - Day 2!

Today was another fun day for Matthew at school! He got to wear his new pajamas...they had sharks all over the pants legs and on the shirt. He also got to take his favorite stuffed animal, which, of course, was Juno...a little gray dog that he got years ago after a trip to the doctor. For the longest time he would keep him in his backpack and take him to school but now he just sleeps with him. He's pretty raggady-looking but Matthew doesn't care! This morning the school held a Teacher Appreciation Tea where the teachers' were honored for their outstanding dedication, care & love for our children. are amazing! Then, for lunch, all of the first graders could have their parents come in for lunch and bring an outside lunch for them. Matthew's choice was chicken nuggets/applesauce/juice from Burger King...Jacob & I both came and ate lunch . Rob was at home...sick...he has literally slept all day. That's it for Day 2...another fun day planned for tomorrow!