Thursday, May 18, 2006

Where in the World Do I Start...

with what's been happening with us over the past few weeks?? I'll start with our fantastic trip to Walt Disney World!

We flew this time and Matthew & Jacob absolutely LOVED it...I can not describe the expressions on their tiny little faces when the plane went up! It was awesome. On our way back they were both asleep before the plane was off the ground...we wore them out over the course of the week!

Disney was great with a 5 and 2 1/2 year old! They loved the characters and the rides...we did so many things this year that we hadn't done in the Epcot: Test Track, Soarin' (the awesome new ride), Mission: Space, we actually went thru all the countries this time because the boys had a blast at the Kidcot Stops! We also did the Land & the Living Seas. at MGM: Indiana Jones, The Little Mermaid, the Rockin' Roller Coaster. at Magic Kingdom: EVERYTHING (I think!), at Animal Kingdom: Everest (well, Rob did Everest...I chickened out!) I know I missed some things but just wanted to give you an idea of some of the new stuff we did in addition to riding old favorites!

Coming home was sort of sad for me...this was an expensive trip and I know we won't be going anywhere for a while...well, maybe until next year! (if I can convince Rob!!!). Rob & I have both decided to really buckle down with our spending and just buy necessities and things to upgrade our home. Someday we'd eventually like to build or buy and we really need to get some things done around here to make our home more marketable. Lots of work & Little Time...doesn't sound to great!

Matthew graduated from St. Paul Pre-K last week and we had their end-of-the-year picnic yesterday. After much thought (and I mean months) we've decided to keep Matthew at St. Paul for kindergarten. He had been #1 on a waiting list (and we had already enrolled him at Jackson Public) and we got a call this week from one of the kindergarten teachers that he was definitely "in". So, we've made the committment for kindergarten and will hopefully send him there thru 6th grade. Then...we'll see...maybe homeschooling. Lots and lots of decisions!!

Rob's been so busy. The start of this week he has been...and will be for quite some time...working 10 hour days. He's used to it and really enjoys his job so that helps. It's just hard right now because he is trying to cut hay down and bale it. We'll manage...God always makes things turn out!

Well, got to go...we're getting ready to watch Bambi II.


Sunday, April 30, 2006


Just came downstairs to shut down the computer....yes, SHUT DOWN the computer! We're off to Orlando and Walt Disney World TODAY! Flight leaves around 2:00 pm...sunny skies most of the week in Orlando. Got to go...have a FABULOUS week!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another Thought....

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thought for Today...

"Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's Been Quite A While.....

since I've last posted! For those of you that read my blog....sorry!

Not much new here...we went to the St. Louis Zoo last Sunday. It was a beautiful day...a day after some horrendous storms. We ate at Fitz's Rootbeer and just had a fun family day.

I do have some rather big news to share however...we finally bought us a new vehicle. We are the proud owners of a brand-spankin' new 2005 Mazda MPV LX, it is pearl-white with a light tan & black interior. I absolutely LOVE it! It ownly had 34 miles on it when we drove it off of the lot. The rebate was outrageous we just couldn't pass it up...and, I was so proud of Rob...he stuck to his guns and stuck with the price we decided to pay...and, the dealership came down to that price! I had already picked out a used, 2005 Ford Explorer (that will probably be the next vehicle...I loved it), but, after I drove the Mazda...and for this particular time in our lives...we just new it was the one. Rob really likes it's got the sport package so it looks really nice. Just had to's not often that I get a new vehicle...I tend to drive the ones I've got for quite some time.

Matthew & I went to the Conservation Department today for a Mudpuppies (ages 3-5) class. It was all about snakes...Matthew got to touch a live snake (I knew he would)...but the real kicker is that I did too! I'm 34 years old and that was my first snake ever that I've touched. It was kind of cool.

Speaking of being oldest sister, Magdalene, celebrated her 45th birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday, Magdalene! The ONLY downside to that is that if she celebrated her 45th birthday this year...that means that I'll be celebrating my 35th birthday in August. What a bummer!

Have a GREAT day!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Just a thought...

I found this quote on

Kobi Yamada : We can't take the little things for granted. They have built companies, friendships and just about everything of value. No act of generosity, kindness or service is ever wasted, no matter how small. Everything matters. Everything we do helps or hurts, adds up or takes away. We need to count on each other for the little things that make life so big. In the end, it is not the days or the years that we remember, but the moments.

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday afternoon!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Nothing Out of the Ordinary....

Hello All!

Hope this blog entry finds you healthy and enjoying the last bit of the weekend! We had a wonderful weekend...aside from Rob getting a sinus infection.

Saturday Rob & I decided to have a "special" day for both Matthew & Jacob. On most Saturdays, Rob takes Matthew along to the farm to check cows, do some farm work, etc. etc. Jacob gets to stay with Mom since he is just a bit too young (although Rob takes him a bunch already!) to stay all day. This Saturday, however, we reversed the usual and Matthew got to stay with Mommy while Jacob went with Daddy. It was an awesome day! Matthew and I started the day by going to Stamps & Scrapbooks in Jackson for their garage sale (found a few bargains by the way!). We then headed to Wal-mart to pick up Rob's prescription...Matthew picked out a special Spiderman plug-n-play game, and we picked a fishing game for Jacob. It was then time for lunch...Matthew & I enjoyed lunch at O'Charley's (kids eat FREE...yeah!!) and then headed to Scraps-n-More for the final day of being open. After that, we went to the movies and saw "Eight Below"...what a great movie...if you have a chance you should go see it! Matthew enjoyed a slushy while I just took a few sips of his every now and then! We came home...just as we arrived, Jacob & Daddy pulled up! Jacob had an awesome day with Daddy...just the two of them. He was so tired! We finished up the day with Rob fixing Hamburger Helper (it tastes AWESOME when someone else fixes it!!)

Not much else going on. My Mom called and said that she had heard from brother Sam is in England right now and doing fine. That's always good to know!

Today after church Matthew & I went to Barnes-n-Noble while Jacob & Daddy napped! Matthew LOVES going to the bookstore and that makes me VERY HAPPY...I have a new buddy to go with! Rob's not much on going to the store and just looking around! Matthew and I were there for almost 2 hours...had to cut it short to make it to AWANA at church this evening.

I would LOVE to know who is reading my blog...drop me a quick comment or email sometime this week and let me know who you are!!

I hope you all have an awesome week...take time out sometime this week and do something for yourself!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've been tagged by my good buddy goes:

1. Eggs? Fried or Scrambled? Either

2. Chocolate covered cherries? They're okay.

3. When eating a salad, what type of dressing do you prefer to use? French (if I'm at Tractors I prefer Rasberry Vinegrette

4. Peanut Butter? Creamy or Crunchy? Creamy

5. If you HAD to eat only one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life, what flavor would it be?
Birthday Cake by Blue Bunny

6. Thick or thin crust pizza? I prefer thick but I'll eat thin

7. Salsa? Hot, Medium, or Mild? medium

8. Toast? Lightly toasted or practically burnt? Lightly toasted

9. What is your FAVE food item at Taco Bell? Pizza

10. When are you MOST LIKELY to pig out during the course of a day? Between 1-2 pm

11. What time of day is too late to telephone someone? Depends who I am calling!

12. Have you ever looked up the lyrics to a song online? No

13. What’s your favorite dessert to order at a restaurant? Anything with chocolate in it.

14. What are your favorite pizza toppings? List your favorite 3 (or more). Pepperoni, Mushroom & extra cheese

15. What was the last movie you saw (theater or rented, your choice, or both)? Theater - Walk the Line. Rented DVD - The one with Jodi Foster where her daughter gets kidnapped on a plane.

16. What is your favorite fruit? banana or kiwi

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hi Everyone,

For those of you that did not know, we lost one of our beloved cats this past week. Our sweet Chipper, our greyish/black tabby, was diagnosed with kidney disease and severe kidney failure. He had to be put to sleep on Wednesday was so, so difficult to do but I've come to the realization that it was the best thing for our sweet cat. We buried him out at our farm. It has been a very rough week for us, especially for myself...we had him for 8 years and he was such a big part of our family. I'm thankful that we still have Oliver...he's been getting so much attention these past few days!

We enrolled Matthew in kindergarten 2 weeks ago at Orchard Elementary here in Jackson. Yes, our little Matthew will be in kindergarten next year! He received his last shot on Tuesday of this past was a horendous ordeal. I'm thankful that it is over!

Jacob is doing great...his sentences are becoming very long and he gets frustrated when we don't quite get what he is saying.

Tonight Matthew went to bed in Jacob's crib...they are such good buddies (when they're not fighting!)

Hope you all have a fantastic week. I'm looking forward to getting back to Bible Study this week, playing Bunco on Tuesday night, and hopefully setting aside some time to scrapbook!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006


That CrazyCropper tagged me again!

What were you doing 10 years ago? Working at Southeast Missouri Hospital as an accountant. Rob and I had been married 2 years.

What were you doing 1 year ago? Being a stay-at-home mom and loving it!

Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
Blue Bunny ice cream - Birthday cake flavor (discovered that over the weekend-yum yum!!
chips & dip
veggies w/dip

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
This is tough...I love music so I know a bunch of songs.

Most songs by Journey
Most songs by Fleetwood Mac
Where were you when the world stopped turning (Alan Jackson)
Jesus Loves Me
This Little Light of Mine

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Pay off all debt
Sell our house and build one at the farm
Buy more ground (for Rob of course!)
Donate a large sum to church & Samaritan's Purse
Vacation with our family more often then we do now

Five Bad Habits:
Staying up too late
Scrapbooking instead of doing housework (is that really bad??) :(
Sometimes procrastination
Not being content sometimes with what we have
Being late (I'm working on that one!)

Five Things you like doing:
Taking care of our boys and staying home
Going to the movies (latest one was "Walk The Line")
Organizing and throwing stuff out!
Soduko puzzles & scrapbooking

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
Will never buy cigarettes
Cheap shoes (I agree totally, Amy!)
Have to think of this one!

Five favorite toys:
All scrapbook stuff
My new palm pilot
Soduko puzzles
Plug-in games

First time you got kissed:
No comment! It was Rob...and we were VERY young!

First time you drove a car:
My brother's friend, Alan Moneyhun, basically taught me to drive - I believe it was a stick-shift pick-up truck.

First time you scrapbooked:
About 7 years ago at a Creative Memories party.

First time you went on a date?
Don't remember!

First time you fell in love?
No comment! (I've only been in love with Rob)

First time you cooked for someone?
Don't remember

First time you got on a plane?
1985 when we flew to Frankfurt, Germany

First time you shaved your legs?
Don't remember!

First time you put on make up?
Don't remember!

First time you moved out of your home?
Fall of 1989 - moved into Towers on campus at Southeast Missouri State

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Hey Everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weekend! We have so far. Last night Rob & I took the boys to the rodeo at the Show Me Center in Cape. What a blast - Matthew & Jacob both LOVED it! It wasn't over until about 10:30...way past the boys' bedtimes...but, they just kept talking about it the whole way home. We might have to make this an annual tradition! The last time that Rob & I had went as when one of the bulls jumped over the gates and in to the sections where people was crazy! Thank goodness that didn't happen again.

Tonight my MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) from church sponsored a MOPS & POPS night. Free childcare while all the adults played Bunco. We had about 12 couples show up and it was SO much fun. Rob had the most wins! He had a great time playing - I've told him how I can't miss my monthly Bunco night - now I think he understands!

Came home and put the boys to bed. Rob started playing a video game and I started on a Soduko (sp??) puzzle. Once you get past the initial aggravation of getting one done...they're a blast to do. And, you get hooked so easily! I worked on my first one for days...then, when my sister, Magdalene, was over the other night I had her look at it. She completed it in probably 10-15 minutes. I thought...if she can do it, I can do it! (ha ha!!) So, I picked the book back up today and started working on it...I think I've got the hang of it now! And, believe me, you DO get hooked! I just finished one and it is almost midnight! Better get some shut-eye! Good Night!

Monday, January 16, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Tagged by the Crazy Cropper!

I was tagged by Amy, so here goes:

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:

1. Cashier @ Burger King in Cape Girardeau
2. Student Worker in Personnel at Southeast Missouri State (4 1/2 years)
3. Bank Teller @ Bank of America
4. Staff Accountant @ Southeast Missouri Hospital (just shy of 10 years)

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

1. You've Got Mail
2. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
3. Pretty Women
4. Sweet Home Alabama

4 Places You Have Lived:

1. Friedheim, MO
2. On Campus @ Southeast Missouri State (Towers-1 year)
3. Cape Girardeau, MO
4. Jackson, MO

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:

1. Who Wants to be a Millionaire
2. Rachel Ray's cooking show
3. Little House on the Prairie
4. The Andy Griffith Show

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:

1. Germany in 1985
2. Cruise in 1998 (Ocho Rios, Jamaica/Grand Caymens
3. Walt Disney World in 2003
4. Walt Disney World in 2006!

4 websites you visit daily:

1. Crazy Croppers
2. Various other scrapbook websites
3. Amy's blog
4. Other blogs

4 of your favorite foods:

1. my Mom's German pancakes
2. Salmon
3. taco soup
4. my Mom's cooking!

4 places you would rather be right now:

1. I'm pretty content right now - we're all here getting ready to watch the new Dora The Explorer DVD!
2. Cruise Ship off the west coast
3. A Dude Ranch (we'll be heading to one as soon as the boys get older!)
4. Mall of America

4 Bloggers You are Tagging:

I don't know that ANYONE reads my blog...I'm not tagging anyone!!
