Thursday, January 03, 2008

Just Miscellaneous Stuff!

Since the boys and I had already finished watching Star Wars IV this evening before Rob got home, I felt I had a little time to blog while Rob now finishes up the movie! I've never been much of a Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. fan...until now. Matthew & Jacob have both been "in" to Star Wars for the past 6 months or so and even had a few characters to play with. Well, Betsy & Cecil Franklin had loaned us all of the movies and Rob, Matthew & Jacob just loved them. I never really sat down and watched them simply because I had this mindset that I wasn't going to like them. Well, we returned the movies, but Santa brought us the whole DVD set! So, we've been watching them and they're actually really, really good. Well, I haven't actually gotten to "hear" all of each movie, since Jacob & Matthew have to do their light saber moves throughout the movie and they get really excited!

I received some money for Christmas and I decided that I needed to buy new plates/salad plates/ sister had found a great deal on Pottery Barn for some plain white plates...just got my shipment today and I LOVE them! It was something that we really needed but I just didn't want to spend the money I'm glad I did. I also purchased new silverware which was also a long time coming! Today I went thru our kitchen cabinets and cleaned out old mismatched stuff...pitched some and some will go to Goodwill. Nice feeling.

I'm also in the middle of cleaning out Jacob's room, closets, etc. My oh my...all kinds of stuff gets put in his "miscellaneous" container! I cleaned it out and pitched a bunch of stuff! Jacob is camping out with Matthew tonight in his bed so I'm going to try and finish his room up tonight.

Tomorrow I'm going to tackle my scrap area and get things ready for the crop tomorrow night at Stamps & Scrapbooks...looking forward to it!


Amy said...

Yay fr dejunking! See you tonight!