Sunday, September 07, 2008

Trying to Play Catch-Up!

We've had lots going on since my last post! For some reason, I've not been in the blogging mood lately...hopefully that will pass! I'm going to share a brief recap of what we've been up to, as well as share a few photos:

~ I hosted our monthly crop night at our house...always a ton of fun.

~ We went to a birthday party and celebrated our little niece, Maria's, 1st birthday! Her mommy fixed her a simply beautiful ladybug was adorable. Check out the photos.

~ Rob started to take his 70 Oliver tractor that he has been fixing up for a couple of years now, on an antique tractor ride. He and a friend's ride was cut short when a Harley rider crashed and Rob & his buddy went to help him. The rider is okay, except for a broken leg, thank God.

~ Matthew was invited to a birthday party and had a blast. They had water gun fights and stuff like that!

~ Between Matthew & Jacob, we've had 4 soccer practices and 3 games since my last post. Yesterday, Matthew had an incredible game, scoring 2 out of the 4 goals that his team scored. He and his teammates really worked together passing the ball...not worrying about who scored. Jacob is just so happy to be playing...he doesn't care about anything!

~ My friend, Julie, hosted a crop at her church. A blast as usual!

~ Rob's been working 10 hour days plus Saturdays...he's a little cranky at times but still manages to spend as much time with the boys and me as he possible can. He has been going to soccer practices since they're in the evenings and since he can't make the games on Saturdays.

~ Today we served in the 3-year old nursery at church. We teach in there once every 4 weeks. It's not a big committment, but it has been one way in which we can give back for all the years our boys were in the nursery. We simply LOVE that three year old class. We had 15 kids today and they just did great...I actually think they "got" my Bible story...that is such a praise!

~ Today after church we headed to the soccer field for another game. After the game, we went to the park for St. Paul's back-to-school picnic. The boys had fun playing Plinko, trying to dunk teachers/principal in the dunking booth, jumping in the bounce house, etc.

Well...that's my recap...thanks for checking in and enjoy the pictures!


The Fishers said...

Wow! bekcy, sounds like you have been very busy but also sounds like you have had LOTS of fun!! Have a great week!