Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Never Seen That Before!

As I was raking leaves this morning while the boys were playing...I looked up the road where a neighbor of ours was mowing. He had on very nice khaki pants and a black sweater...couldn't see the shoes but I'm sure they were nice shoes. Anyway...couldn't believe it...mowing in nice dress clothes! Next time I mow I might sport a skirt & high heels! Becky

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

And the Leaves Keep Falling....

Well, as of last week, we had kept up with our ever-falling leaves in the front yard. This week, whole other story. Our front yard is once again covered in leaves...and there's plenty left to fall. Oh, well - it's beautiful outside and the raking gives me a bit of exercise!

The weekend's been busy...but fun. Rob had minor outpatient surgery on Friday so he pretty much stayed off his feet for the entire's orders. I took Matthew & Jacob to a birthday party Friday evening, a fall festival on Saturday, and a Halloween party on Saturday evening. We had so much fun - the boys had their faces painted, we carved pumpkins, jumped in a jump-a-thon, had a pumpkin hunt, and had so much yummy, yummy food.

Cleaned out most of the garage on Monday morning - the boys LOVED playing in the garage with their tractors, bikes & tricycles. We painted the floor of our garage this past summer so it is really nice out there - the boys can play and have fun even when it's cold outside. We also have a little heater out there so it's not too bad, temperature-wise. They played out there this morning for about 2 hours - I just cleaned up in the kitchen and read my book.

Speaking of books, right now I'm reading James Patterson's "Lifeguard" - I just can't put it down. Plus, it's only a one-weeker at the library so I don't have very long to finish it. I haven't read a book like that in a long time (kind of like a CSI-Miami type book) - it's really, really good. Hope to finish it tonight.

Hope you, my readers, have an AWESOME week!
Happy Fall!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Back to Hamburger Helper....

What an awesome, fantastic weekend....can I say it again....what an awesome, fantastic weekend!

We just spent the last 3 days enjoying the wedding celebration of my brother, Sam and his new bride, my new sister-in-law, Lauren. What a beautiful, touching weekend. We were so thrilled to welcome Lauren into our family and it was such a pleasure meeting her family.

We began our long weekend on Wednesday evening...driving to Chattanooga and arriving there at 2:00 am Thursday morning. We spent Thursday in Chattanooga...going to the Tennessee Aquarium, watching an IMAX movie and going to the Children's Museum. What a fun day! Had supper at the Mellow Mushroom (if you like'll LOVE this pizza we ever had) and enjoyed a couple of Smirnoff Ice...and beer for Rob...after a long day with 2 little ones...we needed it! Drove up in the mountains that evening...going to Point Park...awesome lookout! The mountains are just beautiful!

Friday morning we left and headed toward Atlanta...only 2 hours away. Arrived at the Embassy Suites hotel and were welcomed with a nice little gift bag from our future sister-in-law, Lauren. I just enjoyed my Amarula drink from South Africa - thank you, Lauren! Headed to lunch at Sam & Lauren's home and were able to meet some of Lauren's family. What a fun, gracious & sweet family - I don't know how else to describe. Lunch was fabulous - enjoyed my first taste of caviar on top of deviled eggs - very yummy. On to the rehearsal dinner (in the hotel) later that evening where we enjoyed speeches by Sam, Lauren, Lauren's father, and my Dad. Dinner was fabulous - consisting of a wonderful mixed fruit & berry salad, Atlantic salmon (I was in heaven!) & a wonderful dessert. Took the boys to the pool later that evening - enjoyed the time with the cousins!

Saturday - my brother's big day. It was such a beautiful day - Lauren had done such a spectacular job in planning. The intimate ceremony took place in a small chapel - the reception at St. Ives Country Club. Lauren was stunning...Sam was quite handsome. We enjoyed the appetizers...salami roulade with cream cheese mousse on rye bread was my absolute favorite! The buffet included cold poached salmon, Greek Spanakopitas (amazing!), and other amazing dishes. After enjoying the speeches by the best man, matron of honor, and Lauren's was off to dancing. Couldn't keep Jacob off of the dance floor...first time seeing my parents dance...enjoying watching the little cousins dance...feeling so, so thrilled for Sam &'s so hard to put feelings in to words. It was just an awesome, awesome time.

Sam & Lauren - The Very Best of Wishes to You...Enjoy your honeymoon (I believe that you've already left!)...God's Blessings to You! Thank you so much for an amazing weekend!


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Beautiful Pre-Autumn Day

Don't you just love fall?!?! Today was such a beautiful day! After the boys came home from Mother's Day Out we just played outside until Rob got home. Matthew & Jacob just didn't want to go in and get ready for Rob grilled the hot dogs and then we just moved a card table out front and had a little picnic outside! It was sooooo nice! Hope you all are enjoying your week. Rob's back to work at Farmington and I'm busy getting ready for a garage sale Saturday - hope to sell a BUNCH of stuff!

Monday, September 26, 2005


Hello Readers, Family & Friends!

It is 7:39 and we have both boys in bed! They were up early and were ready! AHHHH - a little time by ourselves!

Last week was a crazy, crazy week. Rob worked in St. Charles every day but Friday - leaving in the morning at 4:00 am and coming home at 9:00-9:30 - overtime is great but there is a limit to that, too! Rob has been really, really tired, but doesn't complain.

I took the boys to see Sesame Street on Wednesday evening...yes, by myself! Matthew & Jacob were absolutely on their best behavior! They loved it (I had taken Matthew several years ago - I guess when he was about 2) - both of them were dancing in the isle and having a blast. Jacob just LOVES Elmo right now.

Thursday morning was Mother's Day Out - I just stayed home and cleaned our bedrooms! It's such a nice feeling at the end of the day to know that you have accomplished SOMETHING!!

We had Jacob's 2nd Birthday party at Pioneer Orchard on Saturday. We had a great time...hoping everyone else did as well. We all took a ride thru the pumpkin patch & apple orchard, picked pumpkins, fed the goats, enjoyed some apple cider, and then roasted hot dogs by the fire. It turned out to be a nice day, weather-wise - can't ask for more than that!

Sunday was quite the opposite - rain pretty much all day. Went to church, out to eat at Applebees, and then came home for a while. We then went to AWANA - Matthew is in Cubbies, and Rob & I volunteer. The power was still out from the morning so it was cancelled. Rob decided to treat us then to ice cream at the new DQ - it was soooo yummy! An evening trip out to the farm and the day was perfect!

Well, I'm off to ALMOST finish some scrapbook pages for a swap that is due next weekend - it's going to be fun!

Have an AWESOME week, everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ten Kindnesses Shown to me this week.

I've been tagged by my friend, Amy, to do this little poll listing 10 kindnesses that you received this week:

1) My sister, Magdalene, agreed to pick up the rest of my stuff from the Little Lamb's Sale on Saturday while I was away enjoying myself in St. Louis.

2) My father-in-law called and asked us if we wanted any green beans from their garden - we had just about used all the canned ones that we had.

3) My two good friends, Linda & Julie, helped me so much on Saturday picking out a dress for my brother's wedding in Atlanta.

4) My mom agreed to sew (for the second time) a pillow case for Jacob's pillow to be taken on our trip. She had already made one for Matthew when he started pre-school.

5) A lady from church offered to stop by my house, so I didn't have to get out with 2 kids, and pick up my money for the Beth Moore conference in October.

6) The lady that always makes our birthday cakes, Theresa, agreed to make Jacob's cake...even though I just called her on Tuesday evening...and the party is on Saturday.

7) Our two sweet little boys made an "I Love You, Mommy" picture that was hanging on the door for me when I got home from my trip to St. Louis.

8) My sweet husband, Rob, took care of our boys Friday evening & all day Saturday, without complaint, and no question of when was I coming home, so I could enjoy some time away.

9) My dad agreed to pick Matthew up from pre-school on the Friday's that I have MOPS...just so that I can stay for the whole meeting.

10) A mentor of mine from church helped me in finding some Biblical info that I was needing.

I don't really read too many, I challenge all of my readers to do this. It does really make you feel blessed! Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Fun Little Quiz!

Here's a short little T/F quiz that I read on another blog. You can respond with your own answers if you like!

1. I'm at my best in the early morning. FALSE - I'm not much of a morning person...but, I'd love to be!

2. I start each day with a healthy breakfast. TRUE - Usually a bowl of cereal & a banana, plus my Fortiflax (supposed to be getting my bad cholesterol down)!

3. I'm always sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. TRUE - now that I have some prescribed sleeping medication I am doing better!

4. I enjoy my job. TRUE - I LOVE staying home with our boys.

5. I get along with most everyone. TRUE - I really do get along with most everyone. I don't have many CLOSE friends, but I have many friends!

6. I'm looking forward to the new season of tv shows this year. TRUE - I plan on watching Survivor and I'm gonna try a couple of new series (don't have much time in the evening to watch - I'd rather spend time with Rob & the boys!)

7. I make sure I take some time for myself every day. TRUE - usually on the computer or watching a game show on tv - or reading.


Well, the last time I posted was on Matthew's 5th birthday. Just seems right that my next post would be on our son, Jacob's, 2nd birthday. We'll be celebrating here at home as soon as Rob gets home from work!

We do have a party planned for Jacob on the 24th - should be lots of fun! We're going to go to Pioneer Orchard for wagon rides, maze fun & a hot dog roast. Jacob will absolutely LOVE the wagon ride...although he'd probably rather ride on the tractor!

Much has been going on here since my last post. Rob started a job for Penzel in Farmington - leaves at 5:20 am and comes home around 5:00 pm. It's a long day...but, he never complains - he's just happy to be working. He's laying all of the pipe for the job. Thank goodness he gets to carpool with the superintendant of the job!!! Just think of the gas for his 3/4 ton pickup!

We got new windows on our house 3 weeks ago (thanks to a nice little gift we received!!). They are awesome - they're easy to clean and they look really nice. Next thing to do is siding - so, so expensive...probably will have to wait until the spring. Rob really wants to rebuild the deck, but that will have to wait a while, at least until we do the siding.

Matthew is back in school (Pre-K) and really, really loves it. I just know he'll love kindergarten next year. On Thursdays Matthew & Jacob are both in Mother's Day Out here at Fruitland Community Church. A little time for ME! The first day was last week - Jacob tripped and fell out on the playground - his face looked quite bad - although he didn't cry! I think it will be a good year for them both.

The SEMO District fair is this week - we went Sunday. It was quite expensive - but we had a great time! The prices at the fair have come a long way since we were all little. It now costs $4/person to go in, and the bracelets for riding the rides are $15 - multiply that by 2 (Jacob now loves to ride) and you're handing out $30 for the kids to ride. It's all worth it though - to see their smiling little faces. What a blessing they are!

This weekend I'm looking SO forward to a little time away! Friday afternoon I'm headed to St. Louis (along with my good friends, Julie & Linda) for an awesome scrapbooking class at For Keepsakes scrapbook store. We're spending the night and shopping all day Saturday. I'm definitely needing this little break for the day-in's & day-out's of everyday life. The boys will have a blast with Rob - tractor rides, staying up late, no cleaning up of toys, eating mostly junk food! Oh well, I won't think about that!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

What an Awesome Day!

Hello Everyone - It's been about 1 month, to the day, since my last post. I thought this was something that I would keep up with...maybe I'll do better in the future...time just seems to pass so quickly during the day!

We've been so busy lately that I'm looking forward to a somewhat leisure week. Two weeks ago Matthew attended Bible School with a friend at New McKendree Methodist church here in Jackson - he had a great time - except that he didn't want to sing! Imagine that - his Daddy doesn't much like to sing either! Last week we had VBS at our church, Cape Bible Chapel, every morning from 9-12. It was an awesome time - we bus in a lot of kids that would never otherwise be reached with the gospel - some of them are so eager to learn. Jacob had an awesome time learning about different bible stories and he LOVED the music. Matthew also had a great time...especially during recreation and bible story time. My part this year was working in crafts for 1st, 2nd & 3rd graders - we had about 18 kids in each class. They did great and loved the crafts! was our little Matthew's 5th birthday - my does the time go by too quickly. We went up to St. Louis and went to Bass Pro - so much to see and buy! We then went downtown to the arch - there was a 2 hour wait - Matthew was so ready for Chuckee Cheese that we didn't wait. We went straight to Chuckee Cheese and had so much fun - Matthew's favorite was the game where you roll the balls up the alley and they fall into different numbered slots (I just can't think of the name of it!) - Jacob's favorite was the Bob the Builder ride - we couldn't get him off of that! After we left there we stopped at For Keeps Sake, a scrapbook store. Rob took the boys in the play area while I got to shop! (I found lots of nice things, by the way!)

This evening when we got back we went over to Rob's bosses' house to swim - they have an awesome backyard and built-in pool! We had a great time - oh.....I would LOVE to have a pool someday!

I hope you are all doing well and I hope you have a fantastic week!
Take Care,

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Happy Saturday!

Hi Everyone!

We hope you are enjoying this beautiful, hot summer day! We sure are! We are cleaning out our garage...absolutely EVERYTHING is getting cleaned, thrown-away, or stored! Rob is in this mood today and I'm running with it! If it was up to me...we'd throw EVERYTHING away...but, Rob is kind of particular about some of his things! Well...this is short...but got to go!

Have a Fantastic Weekend!
Becky (and family!)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

A Few Things About Me That You Might Not Know!

A Few Things About Me... (taken from someone else's blogsite!)

10 things about me:

1. I Love spending time with Rob and our boys.
2. I'm currently in the process of making plans to re-do parts of our house!
3. My favorite color is sage green.
4. I love to watch game shows.
5. I love to read books & magazines.
6. I love to scrapbook.
7. I would LOVE to build a log cabin (or just a nice big cozy house) on our farm someday.
8. I love to do laundry.
9. I love to e-mail & surf the web.
10. I love to watch movies.

5 favorite foods:

1. Chinese-especially sweet & sour chicken
2. Mexican-especially #17 from El Torero's!
3. Pizza-any kind.
4. Pot roast.
5. My mom's cooking!

5 things I do daily:

1. check email
2. shower
3. pray
4. take care of our boys
5. water flowers (so far so good this summer!)

4 shows I watch:
1. Who Wants to be a Millionaire (reruns)
2. Mission Organization
3. Clean Sweep
4. Lingo

Friday, June 17, 2005

A Little Embarrassed

Okay,, I'm a little bit embarrassed! When I started this blog on Monday I said I was going to keep it current! know how that goes. A good friend of mine e-mailed and wondered about my blog...stating that she had checked it and it hadn't been updated. Well...I'm going to keep it as current as possible!!!

We've had a busy week! After my women't bible study on Tuesday, we went over to my mom & dad's for lunch. German pancakes...mmmmmmmm good! Matthew & Jacob got to pick tomatoes - they LOVED that! Tuesday night I had a night out! Got to go and play Bunco - I actually had a pretty hot night - 3 Buncos, first Bunco & several wins. I won an awesome set of dish towells - really needed them!

Wednesday morning I took the boys to gymnastics. You should see Matthew swinging on the bars - just like a little monkey! Jacob loves the little balance beam and he's learning how to do a front roll. The boys LOVE it - it's an awesome place to take them when it's HOT outside! After that we went to the mall and TRIED to stroll around. Bath & Body Works had a HUGE sale...but, Jacob was so loud & fussy that I didn't get to shop long. Stopped at the play area on the way out - they seem to love that...(and, are sooooo quiet doing that!!)

Well, Thursday was my big follow-up doctor's visit that I had been kind of dreading. Got blood test results back - everything checked in GREAT except that my cholesterol was quite high. I was EXTREMELY encouraged to get back on Weight Watchers and lose the weight that I so easily put back on (after taking an entire year to lose 18-20 pounds!!!), and was also EXTREMELY encouraged to start walking in the evenings before going to bed. This in part to lose weight & firm up...and, to help with my sleeping issues. For those of you that don't know...I've been on sleeping medication for the last month or so...and am now supposed to be walking. I'm going to give it a try......

Picture this: Me, Becky, driving a 7800 cab tractor, Matthew sitting beside be, Jacob on my lap sipping soda, me with Binky in my mouth (Jacob thought I needed it!!!), baling square haybales for my sweet husband, Rob, who is on the wagon in the back picking up the bales as they come out of the baler. After about 2 rounds...Jacob had obviously had enough. Thank goodness Rob's Dad finally showed up! I actually finished the field, Rob said I did really good...and, I had a great time! Can you believe it???

I hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Monday, June 13th

Hello Everyone!

We hope this note finds you all healthy and enjoying the summer!

We've set up this "blog" (I just learned about this the other day at a crop and was quite excited to set one up - then another friend of mine sent me hers - and, I just had to try!) to keep in touch with all of our friends & family and to let you know what's going on in our family!

While Rob was hard at work today, I took Matthew & Jacob to the library. Jacob doesn't quite know the meaning of "be quiet" yet, so, needless to say, our trip to the library was cut short. We did manage to pick out a few books & a couple of videos.

Rob came home for lunch so we managed to be home in time to spend a bit of time with him. After he went back to work, I took the boys to the pool. It was beautiful...nice and hot and full of sunshine...until, the dark, dark clouds set in. That little outing was cut short too! We managed to stay until 2:30 - then the lightning started...we went home!

That's been our day - Jacob is now sleeping. Rob picked Matthew up to go rake some wet hay. I've got a bit of quiet time!

Please check back often - I'm going to try and keep this thing current!

Hope all is well!
Rob, Becky, Matthew & Jacob