Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jacob Gets Stitches!

Last night started out to be a typical evening. Jacob had chosen 3 shirts which he layed out on his table...he would get to choose one to wear for his first day of pre-school (Thursday). He was excited! We sat down for supper (Rob was raking hay/baling hay for a friend so he wasn't home yet). After supper Matthew wanted to go out and play for a little while and I said okay, but only for 5 minutes. He and Jacob headed outside. Literally, no more than 2 minutes had gone by and Matthew came running up the back steps on to our deck, banging on the door (it had been locked). I, of course, came running...but not thinking anything unusual. Matthew was hystical and yelling that Jacob was hurt really, really bad. About that time, Jacob comes walking up out of the creek, completely covered in mud & blood...I've never seen so much blood. Matthew felt terrible and yelling and screaming that it was all his fault. We got poor Jacob inside the door and I stood him on a towel...he was crying and dripping in blood from his mouth. Never knew how I would do at the sight of so much blood but I was actually calm. I looked at his mouth and found that a big chunk of his lip was hanging there. I couldn't look inside to see his teeth because he was holding a washcloth there at his mouth. I finally got Matthew calmed down after letting him know that I needed his help. I washed Jacob up while Matthew got him some new clothes and shoes. We headed to the ER...making a pit stop at my brother and sister-in-laws house (Mark & Cheryl-THANK YOU.) to let Matthew stay there. At the ER, found out that we had to go to the regular ER. We arrived at 7:30, Jacob was calm by then and just wanting me to hold him. At that point Rob had come in and gotten Matthew and took him home. We were seen be a very nice female doctor at 10:30...3 hours is a long time to wait but while we were there four ambulances had come in. Jacob was a trooper...I couldn't have asked for a better situation in a time of crisis. He ended up having to have stitches on his lip...he received a shot in his lip, as opposed to being sedated. When they gave him the shot, three male nurses (not sure if they were RN's or not...but they were great with Jacob) held him down. He really did great. He cried a very painful cry while he got the shot that it about broke my heart. But then he calmed down and let the doc do her thing. He was such a brave little boy. We finally got home around 12:30 and that's when I took the photo of him laying in his bed. The other photo is one I took today. He didn't get to start pre-school today which made me kind of sad because he had been looking forward to it. But, we'll just have a FIRST day next Tuesday!

Just realized that I never really mentioned what happened! The boys were both in their red wagon. It started going down the hill on the side of our house and evidently started picking up speed. Matthew jumped out and tried to stop the wagon but couldn't. Jacob went right on down, tipped the wagon and landed down by the creek. He said that he hit a rock. Not really sure but very likely. And, as the doctor in the ER said when I told her the story..."That's their story and they're sticking to it!"

I'm thankful it was just his lip. God was watching over him because it could have been much, much worse.


Fishers said...

Oh My Becky! Gees! Poor Jacob! You handled this situation a lot better than I would have! I'm glad he is okay, sounds like Matthew has a story to tell at school now!!
