Saturday, September 18, 2010

Catch Up!

It has been SO LONG since I've posted and there is so much that I want to share, including photos! We've had a busy last month or so and I'm going to try and remember as best I can what we've been up too!

Rob: He's been so busy lately with work. Penzel has acquired several bridge jobs and each one has a specific time-line. This past week he has left home at 4:00 am and hasn't gotten home until 8:00 pm. We miss him! It's been rough on him but he never complains. He has missed going to the boys' sports practices but knows that it is only temporary. He has also started shelling corn this past week, well, this past Friday. He was off work and then had to work today. Weird! We are now combine owners! He found an awesome deal on a combine so he bought it...just needed a few touch-up things done to it and now it works GREAT. Corn prices have gone up overnight so we are thankful that God has provided this extra income for us. It will be very helpful for us over the winter when Rob isn't working as much.

Becky: Not much to say about me! I continue to work part-time @ Siemers & Pizza Pro and am completely happy with that! I stay busy with the boys' activities and helping with homework in the evening. Been spending a bit of time lately reading...just finished "Choosing to See"...a must read.

Matthew: We celebrated his 10th birthday while on vacation in Florida in July. He got BRACES in August and he just looks GREAT! His smile is really cute and he hasn't complained yet! This fall he has started soccer training again and he'll play fall baseball...his first game is tomorrow afternoon. At school he has joined the Mark Twain lunch club...he did this on his own and just told us afterward! They meet once a month over lunch and he has to read some of the nominees for the Mark Twain award. We are so proud of him that he has developed a love for reading!

Jacob: We recently celebrated Jacob's 7th birthday in September! He got a skateboard for his birthday (he has asked for one for 2 years now and we finally gave in!) and he is doing GREAT with that...helmet, knee/elbow/wrist pads are a must! No exception! He seems to have given up soccer...which is okay! He wanted to play Upward Flag Football this fall so we signed him up! He's had two practices so far and loves it...his best friend is on his team so I'm sure that helps! He loves school! One morning he was visited by the "desk fairy"...she had left him a lollipop for having a clean desk...he was thrilled!

Family Stuff: We were able to take a wonderful vacation at the end of July to Orlando, Florida. We had absolutely nothing planned and we ended up having a wonderful time! We spent a lot of the time in the pool areas at our condo, we went to Sea World, Downtown Disney...and the highlight was our day trip to Daytona Beach! It was awesome there and we would love to go back.

The Thursday before school started we took the boys to Kansas City to see the Yankees play! This was a dream trip for Matthew...but I must say that we all enjoyed it and want to do it again! It was a quick trip...the game was Thursday night and Rob had to work Friday! The things Rob does for us! Even though it was one day, we will never forget it!

The boys started new schools this year! Jacob now attends Orchard Drive Elementary and Matthew attends West Lane Elementary. They are within walking distance of each other, and of our house. The transition was a smooth one and I want to thank all of you that have prayed for us about this. The boys LOVE their schools, their teachers...and are learning and having fun at the same time! Matthew's school has already had grandparent's day and both Rob's parents and mine were able to go and have lunch with Matthew!

On Labor Day we went to Johnsons' Shut-Ins State Park. It was a beautiful day and we even did a little hiking! It's a GREAT place to visit and we'd love to go back!

That's about it in a nutshell! We give thanks to God each and every day for the blessings he has given us...good health, work for Rob, family & friends...all of the things that are really important in life!

Thanks for reading our blog...hopefully I can keep this up on a more daily basis!


Elizabeth in MO said...

Fabulous post!! Praise God for all of our blessings! LOVE the pic of Matthew and Jacob at the top of the blog - awesome!

Unknown said...

nice family :)