Friday, August 08, 2008

A Few Random Thoughts...

~ The other day I got a phone call from a friend of mine from high school...I hadn't talked to him since graduation. He reminded me that our 20 year reunion was in 2009. Just talking to him has brought back so many memories from high school...they've been on my mind a lot lately. Thankful to be where I am at today.

~ A week ago today I turned 37. It's getting harder and harder for me to remember my age. Probably because I don't WANT to remember it. 37 just doesn't seem possible...gets me to thinking about what is REALLY important in life.

~ I seem to have been doing a lot of thinking lately!

~ I had a bit of time to myself this evening. Rob and the boys went to help Fred "cut calves"...if you know anything about'll know what that means. I won't go in to detail. I finished another Nicholas Sparks book that I had been wanting to read. I also cleaned off our shelves in the living room...I'm wanting to do a little rearranging. I've always got to be in the "right" mood...the "cleaning & organizing" mood...some of you may know exactly what I mean.

~ Tonight I am thankful for a relationship of mine that seems to be on the mend. That's all I can say...I'm just very thankful.

~ That's all for tonight...I have some friends traveling home tomorrow from Gulf Shores...please pray for safe travels.