Sunday, April 05, 2009

A Brand New Week

WOW...glad to see a new week roll around! Jacob started throwing up last Sunday and was completely sick for the entire week...rounding off the week on Thursday with another round of throwing up! After that...he was a completely changed little boy and back to his old self, thank goodness! Friday he pretty much rested all day and then Saturday we were back to the soccer fields!

Today we started the day off, well, Matthew & Rob did, by turkey hunting. This weekend was the youth turkey hunt and Matthew got one this morning! He was pretty excited since it was his first one!

After they returned home from hunting, we headed to church and then out to eat. It started hailing and raining so we just knew their soccer games would be cancelled. They each had one at 1:00 & 1:15. We headed home from lunch and started to get comfy and rest when I decided I better check on the soccer games...they were still on! We quick got ready and headed to the soccer fields...Jacob was about 10 minutes late for his and Matthew was right on time. Since they were at the same time we decided that Rob would watch Jacob's game and I would watch Matthew's game. Matthew scored 2 goals and he was just thrilled...their team today really worked like a team. Jacob didn't score but he really doesn't care...he has fun no matter what! The games got called after the 3rd quarter when it started pouring...I don't think I've ever been so wet in all my life with regular clothes on! We were drenched!

After the game we headed home for some much needed rest time. We had rented the movie "Bedtime Stories" and the guys watched that... I was asleep in about 15 minutes...what is it with sitting down to watch a movie???? I rarely make it thru without falling asleep! They said it was really, really great.

Sounds like it's going to be a cold, cold week. We got free tickets to the Cardinal's game on Friday night...will we be watching in the snow???

Have a great week and stay warm!


Brandi said...

I had no idea you had a blog, Yeah!!! It is such a great way to keep up on people you love and miss :)