Sunday, September 09, 2007

The weekend is winding down and it's almost bedtime...and I'm STILL doing laundry! Had this email conversation with a friend about's really neverending for me...but, oh the feeling when it's all done and put away!!!

Found out Thursday evening that a friend of Rob's had gotten bit by a 32-inch long copperhead on his finger. He's a pretty big guy but by the time he got to the hospital he was in a tremendous amount of pain. After 4 (I think) viles of anti-venom at $12,000 per vile, he came home today. We visited him for a while this afternoon...he's doing better but his whole hand, arm and shoulder are quite sore. It'll take a while for him to completely recover.

We had a great time in 3-year old children's church this morning. Today was Jacob's last day in the 3's and all of the kids did great. After our bible story lesson on Joseph & his brother Reuben, Rob & I got out the play-doh. Eleven kids (plus Matthew) playing play-doh...and all of them wanting Rob to help them flatten their play-doh! They all seemed to want Rob this morning. LOL! Anyway, I think the kids learned something thru the story and some fun songs we sang. It's always a great day for us when we feel that God is working in the little hearts of the 3-year olds!

This afternoon we headed to the Jackson Park for St. Paul's Back-To-School BBQ. It was totally fun and hot! After some great food and conversation, we headed to the farm to load up our cows. We did decide to keep all of our calves...I KNEW Rob wouldn't be able to sell everything! He's too attached to them! We do have enough pasture between our ground and Rob's Dad's ground to keep them a while, so that's what we decided to do. After two trips to the sale barn we headed home for some much-needed showers.

Have a great Monday! No news of a niece yet...hopefully this week!


The Fishers said...

Oh my gosh, that copperhead story is SCAREY! Glad to hear he is okay! Just so you know........I check your blog everyday! GET TO POSTIN'! :)
