Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jacob Celebrates his 4th Birthday Today!

Our sweet Jacob turned 4 today! Once again, it just seems like yesterday when he was a little baby. I recall that day so vividly in my mind! His due date was actually October 17 (hope I remember that correctly!). We went to the SEMO District Fair and was walking was a Saturday afternoon. We had came home and Rob & Matthew were painting in the nursery when my water broke...I had to call my oldest sister because I wasn't sure what was happening (with Matthew I was induced and my water was broken-it didn't happen naturally). Well, after I described the feelings I was having, she suggested I head to the hospital. And, that's what we did. Jacob Austin Moore was born by repeat C-section September 13, 2003 at 11:20 pm. He weighed a precious little 5 pounds 11 ounces and was 18 inches long. He was a beautiful baby. He is such a delight at 4 years of age and here lately, he has been giving sweet kisses like there's no tomorrow! I'm soakin' it all in! God has blessed us so greatly thru Jacob...we are thankful for each and every day that we have with him. We love you, Jacob.


The Fishers said...

What a sweet entry Becky!! Happy Birthday Jacob!
