Thursday, August 06, 2009


First off, just wanted to share that Jacob is now TOTALLY ready for kindergarten...he got a new pair of sneakers today!

Secondly, as I shared on FB, I am thankful this evening that my heart is still beating. Tonight at a pool birthday party, Matthew decided he wanted to go off the diving boards. Fine with me...we were at the pool yesterday afternoon for a playdate and I encouraged him to go off but he wanted nothing to do with them. Well, tonight, he went off the low board first...a dive...not a jump. He did great...I knew he could do it. Then, as I sat lounging in my chair, he walked right over to the high dive, walked up the steps, took a jogging leap, and did a front flip off the dive. I just couldn't believe it!!! He told me on the way home that it was like shooting his first deer...he was nervous at first but he knew he could do it...and he just did it!



The Fishers said...

What an awesome post!!! Sounds like when Matthew has his mind made up he goes through with it! That is a great quality! :)